International Regulators Forum Offshore Renewable Energy Sub-committee (IRFORES)

The IRFORES is the international forum of offshore renewable energy infrastructure health and safety regulators. The forum provides the sharing of leading practice and innovation in regulation of the rapidly evolving offshore renewable energy sector.

In alignment with the principles of the International Regulators' Forum (IRF), IRFORES members are committed to advancing health and safety standards offshore.

Annual Meetings

The IRFORES hold annual plenary meetings at which agenda items will include country updates and technical sessions. Meetings are to be conducted in conjunction with the IRF annual meeting wherever possible.

These annual meetings also include a review of joint activity during the previous year and consideration of any shared work to be carried forward in the coming year, with agreed commitment and responsibility for the topic lead.


IRFORES - Annual General Meeting 2024 - Communique

IRFORES - Annual General Meeting 2024 - Minutes